Series Big Idea: MINE

I’ve been so focused on Community‘s next series, “Finding Your Way Back to God” that I haven’t had a chance to write a few reflections on our previous series, “MINE.”  This series focused on three truths from scripture that we need to embrace in order to experience the financial freedom that God wants for us. The last of these three truths is this: “When I put my trust in God and give generously, I will experience the joy of building a lasting legacy.” I have no doubt that the number one reason people can’t buy into this truth and truly bank on it is because they are afraid. Afraid to trust God when it come to their finances.

I know so many people – very good friends of mine who love Jesus a lot, and have trusted him with so many aspects of their lives, but have yet to trust God when it comes to their money. And I also know that people who have yet to trust God with their money, look at those who live on 90% or 80% or even less so they can be generous, and think they are crazy – “How can you possibly think you will actually be better off with less?”  And those who have grown to live on 80% or 90% or less of their income while giving God the rest, look at those who can’t imagine living on anything less than 100% of what they bring in and think, “How could you possibly think that you can do better without including God in your financial picture?” They both think the other is CRAZY!

It reminds me of what the Apostle Paul said to Timothy: “Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works – generous to those in need – ready to share with others. By doing this they will be storing up their treasure as a good foundation for the future so they may experience true life” (1 Timothy 6:18-19 NLT). Through Paul, God is saying that the way to true life – freedom, is to trust God with everything we’ve got, including our finances. And the most clear and obvious step we can take to express our trust in him is to be generous.

So my question is this: What kind of crazy do you want to be? Will you let the idea of being generous and trusting God with your money intimidate you and stress you out, or will you take the courageous step to experience God as the loving, faithful Father he has so often show himself to be, providing for us over and over again? Will you be CRAZY generous?