New Landing Page for FYWBTG!

We are getting closer and closer to the February 24th publication of our book, Finding Your Way Back To God! The book now has an official landing page:! The landing page will give you links to everything you’ll want to know including how to purchase the book, a few endorsements (including Rick Warren and Mark…


A Questionable Life

At Community, we are in the second week of a new Big Idea Series, titled “A Questionable Life.” While preparing for one of the talks in this series, I ran across an article in the Huffington Post, and the writer mentioned that she had just started going to a church where they were in a series…


Finding Your Way Back to God?

Occasionally someone will ask me, “Where did this phrase ‘finding your way back to God’ come from?” Here is the story . . . With just a handful of people and little money, Dave and I along with our small group of friends, set out to found a church in the Chicago area. It wasn’t long before we…
