Starting Over: Your Life Beyond Regrets
Written by Dave Ferguson & Jon Ferguson
We all have regrets about the past. Many of them come from our attempts to fulfill unmet longings. Dave and Jon Ferguson call this back and forth between longing and regret the Sorry Cycle—and they want to help us escape it.
In Starting Over, Dave and Jon show us how to recognize specific regrets and then release them to God as we learn to see our regrets as opportunities to start over. Finally, we can see God redeem our regrets as he takes the worst things in our lives and uses them for a greater good.
Whatever is trapping you in the Sorry Cycle, God is big enough to redeem it. Nothing needs to keep you from the joy God has for your life! What could you do with a life beyond regret?
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Starting Over Participants Guide
Written by Dave Ferguson & Jon Ferguson
We all have regrets. Many of them come from our attempts to fulfill unmet longings. The problem is many of us get stuck in in an endless cycle of longing and regret, unable to move forward. In this guide, Dave and Jon Ferguson want to help people recognize specific regrets, release them to God, and learn to see regrets as an opportunity to start over. There are three types of regret: Regrets of Action, Regrets of Inaction, and Regrets of Reaction. Our hope is that we would all come to see that God is big enough to redeem even our worst regrets. He can use everything for a greater good. Nothing needs to keep us from the joy and purpose God has for our lives! We can start over and live a life beyond regret. Group leaders will find a session-by-session guide at the back of this guide. We can start over and live a life beyond regret.
Finding Your Way Back to God: 5 Awakenings to Your New Life
Written with Dave Ferguson
Each of us spends our lives on a journey toward God. Yet often our most deeply felt longings—for meaning, for love, for significance—end up leading us away from, instead of toward, our Creator and the person he made us to be.
Finding Your Way Back to God shows you how to understand and listen to your longings in a whole new way. It’s about waking up to who you really are, and daring to believe that God wants you to be found even more than you want to find him. It’s about making the biggest wager of your life: “God, if you are real, then make yourself real to me” – and seeing if God responds.
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Can I Find My Way Back To God? (booklet)
Do you believe God exists but struggle to connect with him? Or maybe it has been a long time since you’ve believed God could make a real difference in your life? Perhaps you feel that God has forgotten you.
Wherever you’re from, however hard or easy life has been for you, you have something deep inside you that longs for a connection with God. It’s a part of being human. Dave and Jon Ferguson help you take the first step toward a life changing spiritual awakening, from confusion to purpose, from regret to love, and from distance to closeness with God.
Go further with the complete book by
Dave Ferguson and Jon Ferguson
Finding Your Way Back to God:
Five Awakenings for Your New Life
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Finding Your Way Back To God: DVD
The Finding Your Way Back to God DVD explores the idea that we all want to find our way home and back to God. In each ten-minute video on the five-part DVD, Dave Ferguson and Jon Ferguson guide you through a life awakening inspiring you to follow the path God has laid out for returning to him. This DVD is designed to be used with the companion Participant’s Guide.
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Exponential: How You and Your Friends Can Start a Missional Church Movement
Written with Dave Ferguson
Many of today’s Christians consider the missional challenge of Jesus—feed the hungry, comfort the lonely, bring people to God’s Word—as inspirational but not something that’s achievable. Or, they’ve heard the challenge of Jesus and are frustrated with how little they’ve done. Jesus gave his followers this mission because he wants them to hear it, be inspired, and then actually do it. Exponential will show them how.
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The Big Idea: Aligning the Ministries of Your Church through Creative Collaboration
Written with Eric Bramlett and Dave Ferguson
Community Christian Church embraced the Big Idea and everything changed. They decided to avoid the common mistake of bombarding people with so many “little ideas” that they suffered overload. They also recognized that leaders often don’t insist that the truth be lived out to accomplish Jesus’ mission. Why? Because people’s heads are swimming with too many little ideas, far more than they can ever apply. The Big Idea can help you creatively present one laser-focused theme each week to be discussed in families and small groups. It shows you how to engage in a process of creative collaboration that brings people together and maximizes missional impact.
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Discover Your Mission Now (e-Book)
Written by Dave Ferguson, Jon Ferguson and Tim Sutherland
You were made with a mission in mind! If you’re a follower of Jesus, He has an exciting part for you to play in His mission of changing the world. In this e-book, you will come to a crystal-clear understanding of the Jesus mission and your part in it.
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