Yesterday was an unexpectedly big day as Dave‘s and my new book, Finding Your Way Back to God finally arrived. We knew it was to be released on February 24th, but we had no expectation of having it in hand any time before that date. On Tuesday, we received word from our publisher, agent, and editor that they received copies in the mail. And then, finally, yesterday three boxes of books arrived at the Yellow Box in Naperville. After much work, worry, and writing, it does feel good to actually hold a copy in my hand.
Dave and I are so grateful for everyone who contributed to this project. This was not a one-man or even two-man effort. This book is the result of literally thousands of people who have contributed to the mission of helping people find their way back to God at Community as well as other places all over the world. We are honored to have the opportunity to put the message of this mission in the hands of thousands of people.
If you would like a copy of the book, download a free excerpt, or get information about other book-related resources, be sure to find your way to the webpage we’ve set up specifically for you to place your order today.